(718) 756-7298


The Diversity Awareness Initiative for Students, DAIS, is an organization dedicated to strengthening our schools and ourselves, through increased knowledge, awareness, and respect for different cultures.  Its members are comprised of students from independent, public, and parochial schools, who wish to discuss and improve human relations within the community and society at large.


Q: What are Social Identifiers?

A: Social identifiers are categories of designations by which people describe themselves and others.

  • Ability (physical and mental)
  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Socio-economic Status (Class)

  • Appearance and Body Image
  • Educational Background
  • Academic/Social Achievement
  • Family Origin and Family Structure
  • Geographic/Regional Background
  • Language
  • Learning Style/Behavior
  • Beliefs (political, social, religious)
  • ?

  • Q: Who can attend DAIS meetings?

    A: DAIS meetings are open to students of all backgrounds, in grades 8 - 12. Students from independent, public and parochial schools are welcome.

    Q: What goes on at DAIS meetings?

    A: Students meet twice monthly. At the smaller Executive Committee (EC) meetings, a topic of interest is chosen, and developed. In the larger General meetings, these topics are introduced through 'icebreakers' and discussed in depth, in groups led by trained student facilitators. "Community Norms" have been created to provide a "road map" for approaching discussion. The community norms are applied during the discussion and as a result, students are able to speak freely in a safe space and in a manner that is not hurtful or harmful.

    Q: What kinds of topics are covered in the discussions that take place during meetings?

    A: Topics are chosen by student members of the Executive Committee...anyone in grades 8 - 12 who is interested and willing to represent their school and serve in the decision-making process of DAIS. Topics focus on being aware and knowledgeable about issues having to do with diversity, equity and inclusion, along with applicable social identifiers, including, but not limited to gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, race, age, ethnicity and socio-economic class. Topics also focus on subjects that are relevant to teens and what is important in their lives, such as social justice, dating, school, community, culture and family environment and current events.

     840 Lincoln Place Brooklyn, NY 11216 | daisorg@aol.com | P: (718) 756-7298 | F: (718) 756-2098

    All Rights Reserved. Diversity Awareness Initiative for Students, Inc.© Copyright 2007 - 2025. DAIS is a 501 (c) (3) (pending) organization.